We each owe the Earth 16 trees
I you want to put back into the atmosphere the oxygen you will breath in a lifetime, take out your spade and plant some trees.
You will also help offset the climate-changing carbon dioxide you pump into the air by urban living, each time you drive a car or switch on a light.
It takes 16 trees to supply the oxygen for one person’s life. So we each owe the Earth 16 trees.
Real Estate Value of Trees

Urban Forests Can Increase Real Estate Values
Property values increase 5-15% when compared to properties without trees (depends on species, maturity, quantity and location).
A study that evaluated the effects of several different variables on homes in Manchester, Connecticut, found that street trees added about $4,686 or 6% to the sale price of a home.
A more recent study in indicated that trees added $9,500, or more than 8 percent, to the average sale price of a residence in a suburb of Hamilton, Ontario.